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Hey, great to have you here!

Have you heard about our cold brew?

Let me walk you through this wonderful concept. This is a concentrated coffee drink, delicate, rich in antioxidants, low in acidity and, as if that wasn’t enough, it significantly helps our metabolism. I was amazed when I found out about this! Additionally, this super drink is the result of a cold extraction process that is carried out with special care for more than six hours. Now that you know us, are you craving a Cold Brew? I know I am! Give me 3 please!

I am Galante ABOUT ME

cold brew coffee


Undoubtedly, for me, there is no comparable experience with the aroma of an exquisite roasted coffee, no matter if it is during the day or at night, for me, it is always perfect! Personally, I have a preference for enjoying it in a French press or in a traditional coffee maker. The sensation of savoring a Galante coffee is unbeatable and its authenticity is evident in each sip.

I am Galante ABOUT ME

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    ¡Hello Humanoid, I'm Galante!👋🏼 🦊, Can I help you?